The Unexpected
Not quite the title you expected for a blog post on an organizing website, huh? The unexpected happens – sometimes as we’re living life, and sometimes when we experience a death.
This blog was supposed to be up more than a week ago – just before April ended. That was my expectation, my plan. But we all know that the best laid plans . . .
Back on April 16th, a friend in Michigan passed away. Plans for her memorial service were
made for the following weekend. We made an unexpected trip to Michigan. Then I ended up getting sick the day we traveled home (and have been for nearly two weeks). Unexpected and miserable. Add to that a proofreading job of a novel that I was supposed to start the day we got home. How was that going to get done?
Somewhat Prepared
Why do I share this with you? Because even though we know things like this can and do happen, have we stopped to consider how we might get ourselves better prepared for them? This time around, simple things like coming home to a clean house helped. Also, having milk and bread in the fridge that still had many days before their expiration dates. Fortunately, the deadline for my proofreading job had a couple of extra days breathing room.
We can’t possibly know about and prepare for everything. Those times are called “unexpected” for a reason. But I believe we can make things easier for ourselves and those around us.
Swedish WHAT ?!?
Okay, here’s another thing I’m sure you didn’t expect to see in this blog post – Swedish Death Cleaning. I know, I know, it sounds completely morbid, and you may be thinking, “Dianna, have you lost your marbles?” Maybe, but hear me out. Swedish Death Cleaning is an actual thing. It’s considered an act of great kindness toward those left behind. In Sweden, as people approach their golden years, they begin the process of decluttering their homes. Items are tossed or given away. Why? So that when the time comes, loved ones are not left with the daunting task of going through so much stuff. Speaking as one who has had to go through the multitude of items of a loved one who has passed away, daunting is a good word to describe it.
Free Yourself Up
The bottom line? No matter what stage of life we are in – out on our own for the first time, married with young children, empty nesters, or in our golden years – decluttering and organizing our homes and lives can give us the physical, mental, and emotional space needed to better deal with the unexpected.