Just . . .

Just . . .


A Four Letter Word

It’s a short word – only four letters – but, oh, how it can reflect our mindset and beliefs in HUGE ways. And many times, we don’t even realize it.

“I’m just a mom.”

“Give me just five minutes of your time.”

“I just went to high school.”

“Lord, would you just . . . ?”

Do we (I’m including myself here) have a “just” mentality? By that I mean, do we have a limiting mindset? Do we think the word “just” is just a filler in the sentences we speak or the prayers we pray? See what I did there. 😉

What Are You Really Saying?

Over the next few weeks, pay attention to not only how many times you use the word “just”, but in what context. Consider what you’re really saying. Who or what are you minimizing or limiting without even realizing it? Do your words reflect timidity, embarrassment, or shame?

You may discover that there are times when you truly use it as a filler. But what do those listening to you hear, consciously or unconsciously?

A Firm Foundation

I’m not trying to be the grammar police here. In our ever-changing world where definitions of words are being manipulated and changed, I am becoming more aware of the need for a firm foundation. A foundation of truth and honesty, where we say what we mean and mean what we say. Words have meanings for both the speaker and the hearer.

More Than

This is a short blog – just 315 words. While it’s the shortest one I’ve written to date, I think it may be one of the more important ones.

I pray that you come to the realization that because of the Father’s great love for you, He freely gave Yeshua as the ultimate sacrifice. Because of that, you are more than “just a . . .”