I Struggle Too

I admit it! At times, I struggle with clutter and messes just like all of you. I’ve had
instances of complete frustration when I’ve asked my husband, “How is it that the
organizing lady can’t find . . .?” The same thing goes for the plumber who has
had a dripping faucet for months. Or, for the man who does beautiful stamped
concrete work but has a gravel driveway. That’s a true story of someone we

One Size Does NOT Fit All

Maybe, just maybe, it’s not that we can’t declutter and get organized; it’s that we
are going about it in a way that doesn’t fit. We’re trying to be someone else;
trying to live like someone whose ideas and thought processes are different than
our own.

I am a believer in, and a follower of, the one and only Son of God, Yeshua (Jesus
Christ). I know and believe that the Father knit me together in my mother’s
womb. Uniquely and purposefully. I have biological brothers and sisters, and
each of our DNA looks a little different. Even identical twins don’t have the same
DNA! There is no one just like you. That’s more than okay, that is GREAT!!!

Why do I tell you this? So that you know it’s okay to be different and have things
make sense to you that don’t make sense to me. When it comes to organizing,
you may want to see everything you have, but also want it to be ordered. Or,
maybe you want nothing on your counters, nothing on your refrigerator, and not a
single sheet of paper visible. Neither is wrong, just different.

Don’t fight that!! Your success depends on it.

How Do You Do That

I wish I had words to give you to help you breeze through it, but I don’t. On
second thought, that might not be the best thing. So many lessons are learned in
the “going through”. Those are generally the ones that stick.

It may mean you go through lots of trial and error. At times it could mean having
someone come alongside you to help you figure it out. I have a talent for
organizing, but not marketing. That’s kind of important when you start a business.
My daughters (two of which are business owners) are great at it. I enlist their help
on a regular basis. My husband is the king of vocabulary. I frequently ask him to
help me with wording. He will read this blog post before I publish it (and suggest changes, I’m sure). Using our gifts and talents in the service of others is how we
all accomplish more and increase our peace.

Be What Someone Else Needs

You DO have areas where you excel. Share that with others. You have areas
where you need help. Ask for it, knowing that while you are receiving the blessing
of their help, they are also receiving the blessing of helping.