MDC Preparedness Classes

What is preparedness? We prepare for things all the time so you may already be doing it. Have you ever bought something for the next winter at the end of the current one? Do you have Band-Aids, cold medicine, ibuprofen, etc. in your house even though you don’t need them right now? Have you ever saved money for a future purchase, or to have it available “just in case”? All of these things are steps on the preparedness path.

Preparedness is NOT hoarding with no thought of anyone else. It’s NOT fear. It is using wisdom and looking forward; figuring out what will come and what may come. Looking at the present situation, along with the past several years, we can accurately come to the conclusion that we are living in uncertain times.

If you would like to be more prepared for today, and also for what may come in the future, I can help you.

Please contact me about hosting one of the preparedness classes listed below for your family, friends, and neighbors. Even though this topic is a serious one, I will present the information without any fear-mongering and even throw in some humor.

The Basics
It’s NOT the Zombie Apocalypse – I’ll get you started by giving you the first steps you need to take. I’ll show you how to determine for which situations you need to prepare, whether natural or man-made. The basics of food and water storage are discussed. Resources to help you on your journey are given, along with discounts on books, classes, and services that can help you make progress. I’ll also teach you some of the preparedness lingo, so you’ll know what TEOTWAWKI means, as well as the phrase “Two is one, and one is none.”

A workbook is provided for each attendee. This class typically lasts about one and a half hours. Currently, it is being offered free of charge, though donations are appreciated. The minimum number of attendees is six.

A Step Up
Beyond Beginner – We’ll dig deeper into stocking your pantry, food storage and preservation, cooking without power, growing some of your own food, water storage and purification, and sheltering in place. A list of resources will be included.

A class workbook will be provided, along with discounts on books, classes, and services that can help you become prepared. This class typically lasts two and a half to three hours. Cost per attendee is $15. The minimum number of attendees is six.

A Level Up
Personal Consultation – When you want individualized help with your preparedness, I will come to your home and work with you on how to prepare and what is needed for your situation. This will save you from making unnecessary purchases and keep you from wasting time. A minimum two-hour session is $80.

Payment Methods
Cash, Check, or Venmo

Long Distance Travel Charge
If the round trip mileage to your home is more than 75 miles from my location, a travel charge will be added. A charge of 75₵ per mile will begin with the 76th mile.

How to Contact Me
Please contact me via the Contact page. I will respond within 24 hours, during regular business hours.